By default, your services are set to renew.

An invoice for the renewal will be generated 29 days before expiry, and payment will be taken 7 days before the due date, if you have a credit card on file* with ELIVE.

Should you wish to cancel a service, login to your account at and go to the Services section.
Click on the 'Active' button beside any service you wish to update and then, from the Left Menu, click Request Cancellation

You have the option to give a reason, if you wish, ( we love your feedback ) and then decide on whether the Type is Immediate or at End of Billing Period.

Depending on what you pick, the Cancellation will be processed at the relevant time.

*If you do not have a credit card on file, you will need to process payment via an alternative method before the Expiry date.

If you have any questions or problems, email and we will be happy to help.

Note**: If your service expires, it will cease operation on the expiry date. If you cancel a service, please ensure that you have a full backup of your data,
as once it is cancelled, it will be removed from our servers and the data contained within it will be deleted.

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